Thy Will Be Done

Today isn’t any different than any other day. Decisions need to be made. Goals need to get accomplished. People need to be served.

For the past few weeks, I have been eager to be in God’s divine will versus being in His permissive will. You may be asking yourself what is the difference between the two. Believe me! There is a major difference. Being in God’s permissive will is equivalent to living life at 1% of your potential. Being in God’s permissive will is equivalent to receiving 0.10% of the blessings and promises that God has granted us. Being in God’s permissive will is equivalent to being the catalyst of an outbreak that can potentially disable others that are around you. “That’s kind of harsh!”…is what you may be thinking, but this is how being in God’s permissive will has been revealed to me.

God gave us the power of choice…But we were NEVER created to live in His permissive will. We were created to live in His divine will. We were created to operate in purpose. We were created to be a part of God’s solution to a dying world.

I challenge you to do a “Will Check-Up” in your life today. Are you in God’s permissive will or in His divine will? You may not know the difference because “life” has become your “normal”. If you have no clue where to begin, reach out to me and we can have a chat. If you happen to be in God’s permissive will, there is still time to get on the right path.

 Meditate | Study | Listen

✅Isaiah 55:8
✅Isaiah 45:2
✅Jeremiah 29:11

Video Credit| @CraigGroeschel

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